Why should you use HEPA filters to replace your car’s air filters?

Filters with a Hepa (High-Efficiency Particulate Arresting) rating of 85 percent or higher will eliminate particles in the air as small as 0.3 microns.

True Hepa filters are those that have a 99.97 percent ratio, while Hepa filters are those that are slightly below this ratio. ULPA filters are those that have a 99.99 percent efficiency rate.

HEPA filters can trap particles as small as those carrying coronavirus. Still, efficiency varies by manufacturer, and the chance of airborne molecules entering your car while driving is low, to begin with. Coronavirus is spread through the air, but it needs proximity to spread. However, for more healthy air ventilation in the vehicles in order to eliminate all kinds of diseases, HEPA filter usage can be recommended.

The Effects of Inadequate and Poor Filtering

  • Poor indoor air quality 
  • Microorganism reproduction and infection risk (Bacteria and viruses are carried by dust)
  • Costs of energy are large, and maintenance takes a long time.
  • Ventilation system device degradation and noise
  • Significant reduction in predicted airflow
  • Inaccurate measurement of measuring instruments
  • Ventilation ducts can become contaminated.
  • It allows the heating and cooling coils to get clogged and stop working.

High-quality filters of the form HEPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Air Filters) are also used in aircraft. Above 99.99 percent of airborne dust particles, such as viruses and bacteria, are filtered out by this method. As a result, the cabin has the highest possible air quality.

Why does HEPA filter work for your cars?

Like a forced-air HVAC system in a home, most modern cars have cabin air filters that should be cleaned regularly. On the other hand, these filters are primarily used to keep pollen and dust out of the car. HEPA filters are more effective than conventional off-the-shelf units at trapping even tiny particles. A HEPA filter’s effectiveness is based on maze-like fibers that enable small particles to scatter around and ultimately become stuck rather than moving through the filter. In this manner, dirty air enters and clean air exits.

Fari VIP design cars also offer you a high-quality air ventilation system with HEPA filters and care for your well-being.

What Are the Advantages of Using an Air Filter in a Car?

It is possible to eliminate airborne particles and allergens.

An air filter’s main purpose is to make the air you breathe safe and clean. The majority of systems can clean the indoor air, but HEPA filters can clean it up to 99.9% of the time.

It makes it easier to breathe.

People who suffer from chronic bronchitis or emphysema will find an improvement in the level of the air inside their car when HEPA filter is used.

If you have a car fleet and are concerned about your customers’ health, you should consider these visitors who are more vulnerable to air quality.

Bacterial levels may be reduced.

In a year, the average American spends 293 hours in their car. If you don’t disinfect your car on a regular basis, you’ll accumulate a lot of bacteria. And if you’re looking for other explanations why you’re getting sick so quickly, you should consider this factor as well.

Low-maintenance requirements.

Filters for HEPA air purifiers would most likely need to be replaced every few months to a year.

